I still haven't heard anything about my Visa. Once It arrives then I'll be leaving that same day most likely. Which means I will have the privilege of calling home twice in 1 day, once for the trip down and another when I arrive there. My next transfer is Wednesday I believe since that's the day that Elder Swarts goes home. I'm not sure if I'm going to be in the same area or not, so I'll let you know once they tell me.
Just wondering if anyone in my MTC district is getting my blog. I'd love to hear from everyone. You can write on my blog or anyone can email me at justin.bandy@myldsmail.net. I will write you back too! If you want to pray for anything, pray for me and my companions to find more people to teach. We're supposed to be teaching 20 lessons a week, and we have not taught more than 10 in a week since I have been here.
roads here so it takes FOREVER to get anywhere. We celebrated fathers day yesterday at the church, which was nice since we got to do a song for them. The best part though was afterwards they brought a potluck for us, so we got to have the best meal I have received since I arrived here.
We taught Jose and Maria this week and it was a good lesson. Their kids godfather (Con padre) moved in with them and he’s really interested in the message which is great. He’s even read a few pages from the Book of Mormon which is better than most of our investigators that we’ve been working with for the past few weeks. We’ve been working on getting them to understand “el Plan de Salvacion” since while our church is founded in the restoration, it is to live the plan of salvation that we were born into this life. We met a family from Puerto Rico about 2-3 weeks ago and we haven’t been able to get in to teach them yet, but they took 2 books from us and we’ve been going back once a week to check up on them. Their son, Alberto, has already read the whole book including the introduction and testimonies. He even asked us to show him how to study the scriptures since he says that’s one of the ideas and concepts he kept reading in the scriptures. So we’re hoping when the family comes home this weekend that we’ll be able to go in and teach them. If their son is ready for the gospel then he could be the means of having his family join as well.That’s pretty much all tht happened this week for us. Our one investigator Walter who we set a BCD with hasn’t come to church the past 2 weeks, so he’s not getting baptized until he lets us talk to him. Very disappointing.I need to work harder so that I’ll feel like I’m doing
more. I want to work on contacting and especially on keeping eye-contact con los investigators y otros persons.
P.S. Please write and I will try and write back!!!!!!!
P.S.S. Emails are just as good as letters!!!!!!!